Sunday, July 27, 2008

Children at Church

Today was our last Sunday to switch churches. Fortunately, it was a bit cooler out. Unfortunately, the devil wasn’t whispering this week, he was sitting behind us playing with toys on the seat of the pew. Despite their mother’s continued requests to be quiet and behave, the children were unruly. When the mother threatened to leave the church, the child was thrilled, “Then let’s go.” Of course the mother did not follow through on the threat and I don’t think I or my family got the full substance of the sermon. I felt for this mother, but I also really wanted to hear the sermon.

Some hints for trying to keep control of your children during the church service:

o Bring food – small bits of cheerios or goldfish that they can eat slowly (Please just be careful to clean up after yourself)
o Bring books or coloring books – some churches like ours have a child’s bulletin that can keep the children busy during service
o Layout expectations - perhaps in the beginning a reward for good behavior may even be helpful
o Bring a stuffed animal or some other quiet toy for them to play with – hot wheels are not the best choice, especially if you sit in the balcony. I tell you this from first hand experience. Don’t ever let them put a toy or book on the balcony railing. Thank goodness our church is laid out so that the isle runs below the railing and not the seats.
o Involve the child in the service – have them stand and sit as required. Help them find the proper pages in the hymnal.
o Sit close enough that they can easily see the minister and know that he / she can see them too.
o Don’t be afraid to leave- Unfortunately, kids can have a bad day. If a warning does not keep them in control, don’t be afraid to remove them. If they calm down, perhaps you can sneak back into the service. If not, there is always next week.
o Keep trying - Reverence takes time to develop.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

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