Saturday, July 26, 2008

Making Pies for Jesus

The Bible says that we should do things for the LORD with a grateful heart, but I was not of a grateful heart as I was making pies for my church’s baked bean dinner. Six dinners a year. Two pies per dinner. It certainly doesn’t seem like too much to ask for. But my heart was not in it this week. So the questions become, am I not giving fully to the LORD or are pies not the request of my God, but of my church? Unfortunately, this is a simple form of a much larger question that we all face every day.

As we work to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, we can easily fall into thinking that we are doing good, but in fact just be doing. Imagine if instead of outright evil, evil was more insidious. Outright evil we would see coming and fortify our defenses. Insidious evil comes in the form of distractions. First of all, the noises that these distractions produce don’t allow us to hear God’s whispers to us. Secondly, these distractions, keep us from our true calling. We get busy making pies, planning bazaars, and attending events. Instead of following our calling and doing our part, we get caught up.

For me the question becomes, how can you tell the difference between what is right and what is just static?

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