Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Culture of Life / A Culture of Death

Why in our country do we have to make every issue a political issue? What exactly is a culture of death. Today, we had to put our dog down. He has been our trusty dog for 12 years. We took him in when he needed a home, but as with other times that you help others, we got back 100 fold what we gave to this adorable dog. Certainly, I don’t believe that I belong to a culture of death for euthanizing a dog whose quality of life had evaporated over the last few days. Why do we have to use such politically charged terms, when what we are talking about choice that pain people on a very deep level. We get so caught up in the black and white, we fail to appreciate the shade of grey that lead to the choice which we so easily condemn. What if instead of standing on either periphery, we leapt into the middle and tried to help the people that have to make these choices? What if we could preempt these choices from ever having to be made? Perhaps if we stopped being so high and mighty, we could leave the judgment to God and instead be his hands on earth to comfort his children in their time of crisis.

I can tell you I personally have struggled with the choice to euthanize James. I could not come to terms with making a choice that I believed was God’s. I prayed for his intercession, but He left the situation in my hands and I could not continue to see him suffer. Fortunately, the Veterinary Hospital staff was wonderfully supportive and helpful. Their compassion was much appreciated at such a difficult time. As the doctor said, it is his job to help animals live a happy and healthy life, but this is also a part of his job, assisting animals out of suffering. It is not a part of his job that he enjoys, but he is glad that he is able to help them in their time of suffering.

I think we could all learn from that philosophy. Instead of being a culture of life or a culture of death, let’s have a culture of compassion.

In loving memory of James
1-5-96 to 9-11-08

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