Monday, September 1, 2008

Mission Mondays - Free Rice

What if feeding the world was as easy as playing a game? I am always looking for ways to help that allow me to do more with what I have i.e. boxtops for education, ink cartridge and bottle recycling for a cause. My family gives finacial and physically. Those areas are tapped, but sometimes helping can be as simple as doing things we do anyway but in a new way. Today I found Free Rice. I have added a widget below so that you can play any day. The interesting thing about free rice is that you can advance your vocabulary or try one of there other subjects grammar, foriegn language, world capitals, art. I encourage you all to try it. Certainly this is an easy and fun way to help the world.

Help end world hunger

As always, if you have a mission that you would like to have promoted, please email me.

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